Roverlike replied to the topic '3 Points Coolant Bleed Procedure' in the forum. 2 days ago

Thank you for detailing this and the clarity.
As I will probably attempt to renew the coolant hoses this is very useful information for me.
I am a little puzzled why there is a need to remove the air hose for the additional bleed. Is that to aid access or something more fundamental?

As I read and it and try to ensure I have all the detail in this procedure can you also clarify the following please?
After completing the initial bleeding steps and allowing the engine to cool experience suggests that any residual air collects in cavities that can be vented by releasing the bleed screw in the water rail. Is that correct?
Have I understood correctly that the additional bleed is performed without starting the engine? 
How long should it take to release any residual entrained air? In other words how much should I expect to have to top up the header tank please?
You do not need to remove air hose if you can reach bleeding point on coolant rail. However I doubt you will be able to reach bleed point on coolant rail without removing the air hose.

Yes, additional bleeding allows of any residual air from the engine to be released this way. It is done without starting the engine. How long - until you have constant flow of coolant, without interruption of potential air. If you see that header tank starts to empty, do not allow it to go lower then MIN mark. You need to top it up to MAX mark, and there should be when whole process is finished.


Roverlike created a new topic ' 3 Point Coolant Bleed Procedure' in the forum. 3 days ago

3 Point Coolant Bleed Procedure


1. Ensure all hose connections are tight following any engine repair or service coolant drain.
2. Locate the inlet manifold bleed valve (green color circled on the picture) and remove bleed hose from valve. Connect a suitable tube        to the valve spout and blow through to ensure valve pin is not sticking. Remove tube from valve spout, refit bleed hose and secure with        clip.

NOTE: Inlet manifold bleed valve pins are prone to sticking to their seats, freeing this pin will allow air to bleed from the cylinder head during coolant fill.

3. Turn heater temperature control to maximum heat position.
4. Remove bleed screw and sealing washer from the radiator and open heater bleed nipple (yellow and red circled on the picture).
5. Prepare coolant to required concentration.
6. Fill system slowly until a steady flow of coolant is emitted from the bleed point.
7. Refit radiator bleed screw an tighten to 5 Nm, Tighten bleed heater nipple to 7 Nm
8. Continue filling system until coolant level reaches the expansion tank neck.
9. Models with A/C; Ensure air conditioning is switched off.
10. With expansion tank cap off, start and run engine at 1500 – 2500 rev/min. Fill expansion tank as necessary to maintain coolant level  just below expansion tank neck. When coolant starts to rise up expansion tank neck, due to heat expansion, fit expansion tank cap.
11. Continue running engine at 1500 – 2500 rev/min until cooling fan comes on, then run engine at idle speed until cooling fan stops.
12. Switch off engine and allow to cool for 30 minutes.
13. Check cooling system for leaks.
14. Remove expansion tank cap and, if necessary, top-up coolant to MAX level.

WARNING: Do not remove the filler cap from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot.

15. Refit expansion tank cap.

Additional bleed

16. Allow engine to cool.
17. Release clip and remove inlet air hose from throttle housing.
18. Top-up the expansion tank.
19. Remove bleed screw from radiator return rail (blue circled on the picture).
20. When a constant flow of coolant is being emitted from bleed point, fit bleed screw and tighten to 9 Nm.
21. Fit inlet hose throttle housing and secure with clip.
22. Check level of coolant, top-up to ‘MAX’ mark on expansion tank if necessary.


Take a look, maybe something else could help you as well, like boot hinge guide:


May I ask what link to Career in Generative AI has to do with the subject of the thread?


Edit: some talk about earth bolts, this is something I'm wanting to follow further, I just need to find a guide of all the known earth points on the MG TF.
Maybe this thread could help you:


Roverlike replied to the topic 'MGTF WORKSHOP MANUAL' in the forum. 4 weeks ago

I do wonder why you are not using original MG-Rover workshop manuals for F and TF when you have them all in download section under RAVEs ...