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  • YWC103630 is not an alarm. You cannot code anything to it. It is specific type of relay, nothing more.

    Let me set some facts strait. EKA code is used in case that you forget you fob, or loose you fob to be able to get your engine starting. It does not mean you have to pair your alarm ECU with the engine ECU. EKA existance does not mean that alarm ECU is paired with engine ECU. Once EKA is entered you will be able to start the engine numerous times without entering it each time.

    If you have passive immobilisation feature then you have alarm ECU paired with engine ECU.

    If you want more info on this subject I am willing to provide it, but not on the open forum, since I have Honda engined Rover with EKA code.

    I may have worded my comment poorly but I didn't mean that EKA was there because of engine-5AS pairing. I only meant that since the Honda ECU couldn't be paired to the 5AS unit, there was no need, in my opinion, for EKA coding on these cars. The purpose of EKA, as you mentioned, is to be able to start the car. On MEMS cars, since the MEMS is paired to the 5AS, there is a need for some sort of code when the fob is missing, since the 5AS is sending out an unlock code to the MEMS when the fob is used. When there's no pairing, and no communication between the 5AS and the engine ECU (PGM-FI in the Honda case), what would the EKA code be there for? I may accept your comment that it does exist, but what's the point really? There's no technical need for it. Unlocking the car with the key should be enough to get it started, as was the case with those cars before 5AS was introduced and when they used infrared fobs...there was no EKA then.

    When you mention that passive immo then you have pairing between the 5AS and the engine ECU...then it means that on the 200/400 R8 cars, which had passive immo added in late 1994, there never was that feature on Honda-engined and diesel cars...since no pairing on these?
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