Airportable replied to the topic 'A quick flash!' in the forum. 8 hours 13 minutes ago

I said I would try the adjustable flasher unit out & report back, what I actually did was put my shoulder out. This stupid action precludes any scrabbling about in the foot 

well. I repaired to the workshop & simmered for a while under a cloud of my own frustration, having narrowIy missed falling over the dog I set up a test jug using a jury rigged wiring loom & assorted lamps, both incandescent & LED. 
I can confirm that the electronic unit will replace the original Lucas unit, at least under bench conditions. However they are not pin compatible as well as different physically. 
The poles are reversed, which is going to irritate if you manage to insert it into a socket designed for the Lucas unit. 
A picture might illustrate better. 


Airportable replied to the topic 'Clutch problems' in the forum. yesterday

As I said earlier I went under the car & disconnected the bottom to verify the operation of the extractor tool I made, (which was fine). On reassembly it was notchy, inspection showed I hadn’t got the clip fully home, a further shove & it nestled into place & I’m back to normal.
I think this illustrates how finicky these systems can be or maybe mine is just a bastard & enjoys the inconvenience it inflicts on me.


Airportable replied to the topic 'Clutch problems' in the forum. yesterday

It took me ages to get the gear change usable & a couple of months, on & off with micro adjustments, to get to where I am now.
I still think the stick is too far forward & prompted by comments on this post I’ll be in the pit later to have another look.
The first thing is to change the scroll pin, it has resolutely refused to move by the “judicial application of standard force” & now I’ll make a tool that will make life uncomfortable as it is pressed inexorably out.


Airportable replied to the topic 'MG conversions do work!' in the forum. yesterday

I can’t remember which pan I had to duck last time I brought the thought of my buying another f to do just this.
I’ve the space (just), I’ve the knowledge, the equipment to make, mend & modify. I’ve enough contacts who might help source the parts. Tesla bits are favourites for these jobs, they are also the most expensive. It wouldn’t be a racing car, so a Leaf as a donor would be of interest.
My wife had now had both cataract done & vision is much improved, it therefore follows that her aim will have improved also, I think I’ll keep these thoughts to myself.
At seventy+ one has to consider how long it might take bring it to fruition & how those who are “left behind” would deal with second Mad Dad Mobile


Airportable replied to the topic 'A quick flash!' in the forum. yesterday

It’s always useful to find out how colonials use our language & how it develops under their jurisdiction.
A musician friend of mine was on tour in the States & was troubled to hear that they had “fanny bags”
& was astonished to find a contraceptive being proffered when he requested a rubber to erase some lyrics he had drafted, but didn’t like.
Would it help if I were to use “route” in future, would that help to circumvent your obvious embarrassment.
As always it’s good to hear from you.


Airportable created a new topic ' A quick flash!' in the forum. 2 days ago

A week or so ago we discussed LED indicator lamps & I said I would order one of the three pole electronic offerings. I paid £3-50 for it & it arrived this morning, I should have been alerted to potential problems whilst viewing the listing on eBay; these are too large to fit into the board, or not in mine, whether the tf has a different relay base moulding I don’t recall. 
All is not lost, relay bases with tails are available but the kick in the tail is their cost, at £7-50, is plainly daft. 
All is still not lost; make your own tails. Three 1/4” faston (lucar) male & ditto female, on a short length of cable, males into the receptacles on the base & female onto the flasher unit. 
I like, if at all possible, to stick to the wire colour convention, which in this case light green & brown, light green & grey & black (I’m going from memory which isn’t good for me), I’ll have a root in the morning & if I’ve got a few inches of each I’ll make a loom & run a test. 


Airportable replied to the topic 'Clutch problems' in the forum. 3 days ago

Thank you gentlemen I am clearer now on both counts. On the bell crank, you say the difference is in the plastic snap in joints, rose joints are substituted. A little bit of engineering would resolve that. The brace situation is harder to pin down as I can’t operate the pedal & look as what’s going on in the depths.
There was a YouTube video on the brake servo brace which adequately illuminated what I had overcome after I’d made & fitted one, my guess is YouTube will furnish me with one for the clutch.
Again thanks & much as you will no doubt keep us informed, I too will throw my twopeneth in, as & when.


Airportable replied to the topic 'Hydragas suspension' in the forum. 3 days ago

Hello Bradders welcome along.
You obviously have an f & as I guess you already know that providing the spheres are in good condition internally regasing is feasible.
It can be done in two ways, the drilling of the unit & welding on a bush for a shrader fitting, the second being to refill in the same way as when Dunlop made them originally.
Most folk go for the weld on way, I didn’t & had mine done as per original. As I haven’t fitted mine (they have waited quietly for over twelve months) so can’t comment on the outcome on this system, however the weld on outcome seems to be satisfactory.
Telford is the hot bed for the weld job, Stockport for the original system.
Resolve your refill system before stripping stuff down.


Airportable replied to the topic 'Clutch problems' in the forum. 3 days ago

Other than having to change the gear cables, which still haunts me at night, cold sweats etc, I’ve never had any concerns with gear changing. I have fitted a spacer between pedal rubber & pedal to lift it to the brake pedal hight but other than that & dribbling machine oil onto the clutch release shaft, when “I’m in that vicinity”,all has been well.
However there are two upgrades, one being the Satur bell crank, the second is the slave cylinder brace.
Can anyone explain what the advantages are of these modifications, the brace is to reduce lost motion, which is fine but how do the advantages of these modifications manifest themselves?


Airportable replied to the topic 'MGTF Servicing in Scotland' in the forum. 3 days ago

How far south do you have to travel to find a satisfactory garage who will do the job in its entirety for £350?
Obviously the further south, the less cost effective is the thought of driving to have the job done & return the same day.
I guess that there will be a number of contributors who would prefer to leave the oiliest of jobs to those who job it is to repair cars & would travel to those whose reputation goes before them.
I have been talking about rebuilding my suspension for a couple of years but as yet I’ve not plucked up the courage to start. The skills haven’t escaped me & if anything I’m better equipped that ten years ago, it’s simply I’m ten years older, ten years less supple & ten years more lazy.
I will entrust the job to a friend of mine who has moved a distance from his original establishment & I won’t hesitate to travel.
It has to be said that the longer a garage has been established & the older the mechanic, the greater is the likelihood of them being familiar with the K series, after all they were ubiquitous twenty five years ago & any mechanic of that era worth his salt should be capable of reacquainting himself with an old adversary.
Just a thought but do keep us posted, the more knowledge we collectively accrue the easier (less difficult) it will be, as these cars age.