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  • Fisher created a new forum post in MGF/TF Pitstop
    Hi All. We all have added electrical parts to our cars, Driving lights, Spotlights, Garmin etc. I have, and it appears also the previous owner. However, looking under the centre dash the maze of unknown wires, spliced, and unknow origin, is a little concerting. So decided to remove and start again. As we all need a switched or unswitched (I prefer switched) supply this is where I will start. I was thinking about fitting a common live/not live. junction box/connector block  with perhaps 6 connectors you could tap from. So, would you:

    1 Use a terminal block (household wiring type) or fancy junction box?
    2. Where would you take the live feed from? Where would you take the non-live feed from? And what AMP rated cable would you use?
    3. Would you fuse to the teminal block, again what AMP fuse.
    4. Where would you suggest this block/tetrminal is located?

    Naturally each connection from the block/terminal would be individually fused.

    Finally, when connecting any accessory to the block/terminal what AMP wiring would you use i.e. 8, 10 15 AMP auto cabeling?

    As you can see from my questions I am not an electrical expert, but wish to standardize my wiring for safety and any future owner.

    Found this online. Look OK for my application.


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