TA22GT replied to the topic 'Just found my TF's carachter.' in the forum. 2 months ago

A bit more character showing thriugh..
From day one it's had that MG wiper problem where they come on in their own time. When it's convenient for them not me.
Last night following a van on a country road the washers stopped working and driving with a very dirty screen was a bit scary.
All 4 jets didn't work so it had to be a common problem as I could hear the motor pumping like a good 'un.
Lifted the bonnet this morning and saw the little round regulator..water in..no water out.
Removed it and using my best watch back removal tactics, hammer, chisel and mole grips, removed the cap. Sure enough the inlet was blocked. Cleaned that, checked the diaphragm and spring and the outlet pipe all of which looked good. No holes and not stretched.
Still very poor flow out of it and try as I might I wasn't very happy.
Confession time...I had to cut a coil off the spring...OH NO...we don't cut springs on our cars!! It will never pass an MOT now!
Just call it a performance mod that the insurers will never know about.
It drills holes in the windscreen now..take that you miserable little car.