TA22GT replied to the topic 'Wheel Arch Rust Assessment (Prior to purchase)' in the forum.
2 months ago
Hiya Kid..
That car has a lot of potential and will put a smile on your face once you get the keys and drive away feeling like a million dollars!
And that is exactly how you should feel when you buy any car.
Rust is always worrysome unless it's surface rust and it is dealt with properly so as long as you are sure you can tackle it or get a local body shop on it then I am sure it can be made to look a million dollars too!
If you buy it with your head and your heart it is always the right decision..even if it turns out wrong. You were meant to tread that path and the experience it brought.
Good luck..keep us posted and if you buy it we are here..and if you don't we will point you in the direction of a good car!
All the best.